Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool | Thailand - Patong Beach

40- 47/1, Hasib Pee Road, Patong, Kathu, Phuket, 83000 巴東海灘, 泰國

➤ Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool | Patong Beach

預訂Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。
Baiyok Villa自助式別墅位於芭東海灘(Patong Beach),提供4間臥室、1個私人室外游泳池、免費WiFi以及免費內部停車場,距離邦古拉街(Bangla Road)1.3公里。

別墅距離芭東Tri Trang海灘3.7公里,距離Jungceylon Shopping Centre購物中心和芭東醫院(Patong Hospital)900米,距離普吉機場(Phuket Airport)24公里。



Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool 的房间选择

Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool 的服務

停車場 不需預約:住宿場所設有私人停車設施(免費)。
網路 免費高速 WiFi(122 Mbps)。 適合播放 4K 超高畫質串流影音與在多個裝置上進行視訊通話。網速測試是由屋主完成。
寵物 客人可攜帶寵物入住。 住宿方不收取額外費用。
廚房 餐桌, 咖啡機, 清潔用品, 烤麵包機, 爐台, 廚房用具, 電熱水壺, 廚房, 洗衣機, 微波爐, 冰箱, 簡易廚房
臥室 床單, 衣櫃或衣櫥, 更衣室
衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 額外的廁所, 私人衛浴, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 吹風機, 淋浴間
客廳 用餐區, 沙發, 休息區
多媒體/科技 平面電視, 筆記型電腦保險箱, 有線頻道, 衛星頻道, 電視
客房設施 床邊插座, 曬衣架, 硬木或實木地板, 磁磚/大理石地板, 私人入口, 電風扇, 燙衣設備, 熨斗
無障礙設施 聽障友善設備, 高樓層(只有樓梯)
戶外 室外傢俱, 戶外用餐區, 陽光露台, 私人游泳池, 陽台, 露台, 花園
室外游泳池免費! 全年開放, 所有年齡皆可使用, 景觀泳池, 鹽水泳池, 淺水區, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 海灘椅/躺椅, 遮陽傘
養生會館 遮陽傘, 海灘椅/躺椅
餐飲服務 咖啡店(館內), 雜貨遞送, 茶/咖啡沖泡設備
活動設施 串酒吧 另外收費, 潛水 另外收費館外, 健行 另外收費館外, 釣魚 另外收費館外, 高爾夫球場(3 公里內) 另外收費
戶外/景色 市景, 山景, 游泳池景, 花園景, 海景, 景觀
建築物特色 完全獨立
交通服務 接駁服務 另外收費, 租車服務, 機場接駁車 另外收費
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票, 私人入住/退房手續, 禮賓服務, 快速入住/退房手續, 24 小時接待櫃檯
清潔服務 每日清潔服務, 熨燙服務 另外收費, 洗衣 另外收費
其他 吸菸區, 空調, 家庭房, 禁菸客房
安全 滅火器, 住宿外設有監視器, 鑰匙進出, 保險箱
使用的語言 英語, 法語, 泰語

Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool 酒店條件

入住時間 14:00 至 0:00
退房時間 10:00 至 12:00
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制 支付服務 代住宿單位收取款項,請自備現金支付額外費用。
須放低音量的時段 住客必須在 22:00~6:00 放低音量
寵物 免費! 客人可攜帶寵物入住。 住宿方不收取額外費用。

請提前告知Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。

22:00:00~06:00:00 必須放低音量

Baiyok Villa

What is the average price to stay at Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool?

The average price is 253 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.


Hi wanting to book this villa for next weekend for my birthday would this be okay?

now it is no possible we have no staff hope open in august sorry best regards richard rigault

Hi How many bathrooms are there for this property, its not specified.

there is 4 bathrooms for 4 bedrooms .each bedroom have his bathroom best regards richard

Hi we’re looking at booking for November I’m just wondering as I’ve read about staff being there is it a private Villa or will other people be there?

it is private villa only for you with private staff .you are welcome best regards richard

What are the quarantine rules coming to you from the uk ?

normally you must to stay 7 nights in hotel SHA+ before go to the villa but i have customer order hotel sha+ very cheap but do not stay only the first day for test pcr and come back for make the second test after 5 days

Do you have SHA approval?

no you need to make one night in sha + before check in the villa when you think booking best regards richard

Hey, how private is the pool area and is naturists welcome ? Ty

pool is private but for my maid i prefer have no naturist sorry richard

Du you have SHA stamp

no in this time

Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool 100% 真实评论


旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool,您会强调什么
Difficult to get taxis to come up the hill as it's steep so you get declined a lot of trips.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool,您会强调什么
The villa is beautiful, equipped with private swimming pool and 4 bedrooms offering great view to the city. The environment is calm.
The living room is a bit stuffy during the day.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool,您会强调什么
Richard was exceptional in communicating with us and ensuring we got settled in perfectly. The place itself is stunning and the view is fantastic. Close to bangla Road where all the action is. Place was kept clean for us everyday. Will be back!
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Baiyok Villa seaview and edge pool,您会强调什么
Amazing villa in patong
Amazing villa with an awesome view of patong ! a very nice swimming pool and great hosts . Would definitely come back and stay again soon



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